In this class, you will be guided through the Primary Series, which is the foundational practice of Ashtanga Yoga, featuring 48 yoga postures. It uses a technique called ‘Vinyasa’, which means the linking of breath with movement to move from posture to posture.
This structured and dynamic form is repetitive in nature. Through repetition, you can internalize the sequences, and move your awareness towards more subtle aspects of awareness and breath. The postures also increase your movement capacity, challenge your mental and physical endurance, which can leave you with a feeling of accomplishment, and have a positive impact on the body-mind continuum.
This class can be challenging, and so even though it is open to all levels, we encourage you to progress through the postures at a pace that suits you. You don’t have to be able to do everything in the sequence on the first go. It generally takes about three months of regular practice to become accustomed to the flow, but you will begin to experience benefits after just a few classes.
Duration: 90 minutes